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Newsletter 10th April 2024

Welcome back! It’s lovely to see our girls looking so refreshed and well after the Easter break. We have a busy term ahead with tours, standardised testing, Sports Day, sacramental celebrations, various concerts and Creative Schools Week. But I have no doubt our girls will take it all in their stride as they zip through the third and final term of this school year!


School Calendar 2023-24

The School Calendar is available here.

Planned School Closures: Term 3

Monday 6th May - Friday 10th May

May Holiday

Thursday 30th May

Primary Maths Staff Inservice

Monday 3rd June & Tuesday 4th June

June Bank Holiday

Significant Dates in Term 3

Week beg. 15th April

Standardised Testing

1st to 6th Class

Saturday 20th April, Sunday 21st April, Saturday 27th April, Sunday 28th April, Sunday 5th May

First Holy Communion

2nd Class

Thursday 16th May

Sports Day

All classes

Friday 17th & 24th May


6th Class

Week beg. 20th May

Standardised Testing

1st to 6th Class

Monday 27th May & Wednesday 29th May

Violin Concerts

Senior Infants to 3rd Class

10th -14th June

Creative Schools Week

All classes

Tuesday 25th June

6th Class Graduation

6th Class

Friday 28th June

Final day of Term 3

All classes

School Tours Term 3

Monday 27th May

2nd Class

Tallaght Astro Park

Wednesday 29th May

Junior Infants

Glenroe Farm

Friday 7th June

6th Class

Blessington (Russborough House)

Monday 10th June

1st Class

Festina Lente

Tuesday 11th June

3rd Class

Causey Farm

Friday 14th June

4th Class

Clara Lara

Friday 14th June

5th Class


Tuesday 18th June

Senior Infants

Festina Lente


Frásaí na Seachtaine

See below to listen to the girls from Ms Duffy's Rang a 1

showing us how to pronounce our Frásaí na Seachtaine!

Drochlá ata ann! Tá sé ag stealladh baistí!


Lots of Socks Day in Hollypark

We celebrated World Down Syndrome Day in Hollypark on Thursday 21st March with a special Lots of Socks Day. Together we raised €1400.00!! for this very worthy cause. Well done to everyone!


All funds raised will be donated to Down Syndrome Centre and the Together Academy.



Hollypark PA Easter Fundraiser

Our PA Easter Fundraiser raised an egg-cellent €5180.00 for our school!

Thank you as always for your generosity.


Over the Easter Break five new Smartboards were installed in mainstream classrooms. We couldn’t have done this without your ongoing fundraising and continuous Voluntary Contributions.

We are very grateful to the 264 families (that is 63% of all families in the school) who have already given a Voluntary Contribution during this school year. Voluntary Contributions can be made via Aladdin at any time throughout the year. Each and every contribution is very much appreciated and will be used to enhance your daughter's learning environment.


During the summer break we will be continuing with our school refurbishment programme. To date over the last couple of summers, we have completed the Yellow, Red and Blue Corridors. This summer we are starting work on the Green Corridor. We will be replacing the flooring and upgrading the bathrooms in the classrooms. Hopefully we will be able to complete this school refurbishment in summer 2025 when we will paint these classrooms and upgrade the storage facilities.


Pre-Loved Uniform Sale

Our PA held a Pre-Loved Uniform Sale in the tunnel on Friday 22nd March. Many thanks to our PA for organising this very useful and sustainable event. Please keep an eye on future newsletters for the next Pre-Loved Uniform Sale.



Sports Day 2024

We are looking forward to our school Sports Day which will take place on Thursday 16th May (weather permitting!). All parents are welcome to attend. A timetable will issue shortly with further details.


Swim Team




Our tennis team will have their third match of the Leinster Primary School League today in Newpark Tennis Club. The team will play against Mount Anville Junior School. Best of luck to all the girls!

Robyn Kennedy, Sophie McNulty, Emma Drury Byrne, Charlotte Hyland, Annabel McNamara & Lucy Cunningham


School Choir

Our school choir have a busy few weeks ahead!

The girls will sing at the celebration of First Holy Communion on Saturday 27th April (2:00pm) and at the celebration of Confirmation on Friday 24th May (12:00pm).

The School Choir has been entered into the Navan Choral Festival which will take place on Thursday 2nd May - further details to follow.

Our School Choir will hold an end of year concert on Wednesday 29th May in Foxrock Church. All proceeds in aid of Laura Lynn. All parents and families are very welcome to attend.

Auditions for entry into the School Choir will take place in June. Girls who will be in 4th, 5th or 6th Class in September 2024 (and who are not current members of the choir) may audition for a place at this time. Girls who are already in the School Choir and who intend to return in September do not need to audition.

Please note: School Choir practices will revert to Tuesdays (2:20pm - 3:20pm) from September 2024.


Respect for Our Neighbours

Parents are reminded that for the health and safety of our girls, there is no vehicular access to the school for drop-off in the mornings.

As a Green School, with a very active Coiste Glas, we actively encourage our girls to walk, cycle and scoot to school. As 80% of our pupils live within 2km of the school, this is very doable for many.

Unfortunately, but quite justifiably, our neighbours frequently complain of inconsiderate parking on the roads close to our school.


Please use the Church car park if it’s on your route to school: parking at the Church is free to all families at drop off and collection times.



Birthdays this week in Hollypark!

Arianna Rogan

Sadie Bowen

Elisha Harnett

Myrna Anand

Leila Stokes

Zuri Bell-Hill

Elasia Di Adamo

Aoife Deasy

Leadha Kearns

Isabelle Lane

Kate Davitt

Seraphina Centner

Rachel Song



St. Patrick's GNS


Foxrock Avenue

Dublin 18.  



Bernadette Gunning

Deputy Principal

Michaela Marnell

School Secretary

Suzanne O' Toole


01 2893293




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