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Nuachtlitir: 13ú Márta 2024

Frásaí na Seachtaine

Labhraimís Gaeilge le linn Féile na dTeangacha! 

See below to listen to the girls from Ms. Henry's 5th class

showing us how to pronounce our Frásaí na Seachtaine!


School Calendar 2023-24

The School Calendar is available here.

Planned School Closures: Term 2 & 3

Monday 18th March

St Patrick's Day Public Holiday

Friday 22nd March

Last Day of Term 2

Monday 8th April

School re-opens for Term 3

Monday 6th May - Friday 10th May

May Holiday

Thursday 30th May

Primary Maths Staff Inservice

Monday 3rd June & Tuesday 4th June

June Bank Holiday

Friday 28th June

Final Day of school term

We will operate a staggered finish on Friday 22nd March:

Finishing Time: Friday 22nd March

Junior & Senior Infants & older siblings


1st & 2nd Class & older siblings


3rd - 6th Class


Friday 22nd March will be a non-uniform day.


Lots of Socks Day in Hollypark

We will be celebrating World Down Syndrome Day with a special Lots of Socks Day in Hollypark on 21st March.

All funds raised through our bucket collection will be donated to Down Syndrome Ireland and the Together Academy.


Hollypark PA Easter Fundraiser

Help raise funds for our school to:

  • Continue the refurbishment of your daughters' classrooms

  • To replace obsolete classroom whiteboards with Smart Boards

  • To upgrade wifi to enable increased digital learning

Voluntary Contribution

In tandem with this PA fundraiser, we are very grateful to the 246 families (that is 59% of all families in the school) who have already given a Voluntary Contribution during this school year. Voluntary Contributions can be made via Aladdin at any time throughout the year. Each and every contribution is very much appreciated and will be used to enhance your daughter's learning environment.

Pre-Loved Uniform Collection & Sale

Our PA will be holding a Pre-Loved Uniform Sale in the tunnel on Friday 22nd March at morning drop-off. Many thanks to our PA for organising this very useful and sustainable event.

Hollypark PA

Have you thought about taking a more active role in our Hollypark PA?

The Role of Hollypark PA

The Education Act, 1998 clearly outlines the role of the parent association in primary schools:

  • The Parent Association works in collaboration with the principal, staff and the board of management to build effective, positive partnership of home and school. Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children achieve higher levels when parents and teachers work together.

  • The Parent Association is not a forum for complaint against either an individual teacher or parent. The Parental Complaints Procedure is the mechanism for this. (ref: School Communications Policy Appendix A)

In Hollypark GNS our PA

  • Represents parents at school events

  • Invites speakers to address the parents on issues which are topical or relevant.

  • Organises school fundraising: cake sales, fairs, sponsored walks, Christmas cards, calendars etc

  • Hosts a Junior Infant Welcome Morning at the beginning of the school year

  • Hosts the Communion Reception in May

  • Organises pre-loved uniform sales throughout the year

  • Collates and produces the 6th Class Graduation Year Book

Hollypark PA Communications System

  • PA Committee meets every month

  • PA Chair meets regularly with School Senior Management

  • PA communicates with general parent body via email, the school website and PA Class Whatsapp (ref: School Communications Policy Appendix B)

If you are interested in taking on a more active role in our PA, please contact and see how you can help out at the various fundraisers and community events organised by our PA for our school.


Féile na dTeangacha

A gentle reminder that the girls are invited to wear something green or festive to school this Friday, 15th March, to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

Féile na dTeangacha ar siúl an tseachtain seo i Hollypark. We are celebrating Féile na dTeangacha in Hollypark from An Luan 4ú - An Aoine 15ú Márta. Beidh go leoir imeachtaí ar siúl sa scoil. Féile na dTeangacha celebrates all of the languages being used in our school and encompasses Seachtain na Gaeilge this week.

Cluichí ar an Astro

Bhi an-chraic ag na buachaillí agus na cailíní i rang a 5 agus a 6 maidin Luain! D’imríodar cluichí ar an Astro le chéile. Bhi said ag caint agus ag comhrá agus ag usáíd a gcuid Gaeilge le chéile. Bhí an-spraoi acu! Táimid ag súil gur féidir níos mó imeachtaí a eagrú leis na buachaillí amach anseo.


Céilí Rang a 3 agus Rang a 4

Chuaigh na cailíní ó Rang a 3 agus a 4 síos go dtí scoil na mbuachaillí agus bhí céilí iontach acu. Rinne said damhsa agus bhí said ag caint agus ag comhrá leis na buachaillí. Maith sibh a chailíní!


Raidió Fhéile na dTeangacha 

Bhí Rang a 5 agus a 6 ar an Raidió gach maidin i Hollypark. Rinneadar clár beag a chur i láthair trí Ghaeilge. Bhí an spraoi againn ag éisteacht leo gach maidin.  


Seó Faisin!  

Beidh Seó Faisin ar siúl sa scoil ar an Déardaoin. Tá na cailíní i Rang a 6 ag eagrú an Seó Faisin seo. Beidh pictiúirí sa Nuachtlitir an seachtain seo chugainn!!



More News!

Well done to the girls below in their recent competitions!

3rd Class tuned into an excellent live session with author Sarah Webb on World Book Day.

Girls in 3rd Class working hard on their decimals and fractions during station teaching.

Cailiní ag caint as Gaeilge le haghaidh 'An Fáinne'. Nach bhfuil siad ar fheabhas?!

1st Class went on a visit to Deansgrange Library to meet Úna Woods. Úna is a children’s book illustrator and author who lives in Dublin. She read one of her previous books 'Have You Seen the Dublin Vampire?'. Úna loves working with bright colours and patterns. She showed the girls the process involved in writing and illustrating a book from start to finish. The girls loved her new story 'A Blooming Great Day' and they also had a chance to design clothes for Blooms Day.

1st place winner of the Feis Ceoil U12 Harp competition for this 4th class student!

Maths stations in full swing in 3rd class!

Respect for Our Neighbours

Parents are reminded that for the health and safety of our girls, there is no vehicular access to the school for drop-off in the mornings.

As a Green School, with a very active Coiste Glas, we actively encourage our girls to walk, cycle and scoot to school. As 80% of our pupils live within 2km of the school, this is very doable for many.

Unfortunately, but quite justifiably, our neighbours frequently complain of inconsiderate parking on the roads close to our school.


Please use the Church car park if it’s on your route to school: parking at the Church is free to all families at drop off and collection times.


Breithlá Sona!

Giuditta Maciga

Genevieve Colgan

Aibhlinn Doherty Heaney

Mariia Chudinovskikh

Clara Lanigan Ryan

Ziyi (Olivia) Yuan

Sophia Donohue

Abbie Parker

Olivia Walsh





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