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Newsletter 4th October 2023

Frasaí na Seachtaine #5

‘Cé leis é? …….. Is liomsa é!’

See below to listen to the girls from Ms Fennell’s Rang a Cúig

showing us how to pronounce our Frásaí na Seachtaine!

Labhair Gaeilge linn – sa bhaile agus ar scoil!


Admissions for School Year 2024/2025

The process for admission to Junior Infants 2024 opened on Monday 2nd October and will remain open until Friday 27th October.

All details including relevant dates/forms/policy etc are now available here.

Applications may be posted to the school or delivered by hand. As original documents supporting the application must be included, applications cannot be made by email.

The school will commence accepting applications for admission on

​Monday 2nd October 2023

The school will cease accepting applications for admission on

​Friday 27th October 2023 @ 3pm

The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is

Friday 17th November 2023

The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is

​Friday 1st December 2023 @ 3pm


Junior Infants

Parents/Guardians of Junior Infants are cordially invited to attend a short talk on the Junior Infant curriculum on Wednesday 11th October at 12:30pm.

Parents/Guardians should enter via the main entrance of the school where our Student Council will be on hand to escort you to your daughter’s classroom.

Collection time will be 1:10pm as usual, from the school yard.

We look forward to seeing you then.


School Calendar 2023/2024

The 2023/2024 calendar is available here.


Lost Property

Many coats, tracksuit tops and school jumpers are being mislaid each day. Please check your daughters' uniforms this weekend, to ensure that they have their name and class on each item. Many of the items being found have no names, or names from children who are no longer in the school. Don’t forget to label their jackets and raincoats too.


Active & Wellbeing Week

Wow what an Active & Wellbeing Week the girls had last week! It was action-packed from start to finish. The girls welcomed several sports stars who answered some fantastic questions during the Q and A sessions.

On Fitness Friday the girls wore their Wellbeing T shirts with pride as we sang our theme song for the week, 'You Can Count On Me'.

We couldn’t have offered the array of activities to the girls without the support of our local clubs – Foxcab, Kilmacud Crokes, Granada FC and the FAI coaches, Blackrock College RFC and Southside Sports.

Our teachers went above and beyond as always offering Yoga, Irish Dancing, Basketball and Athletics workshops to the girls throughout the week.

The week was a true celebration of activity and wellbeing.

Sponsored 3K Fun Run

We were thrilled with the success of our Sponsored 3K Fun Run. Together our families raised a staggering €13385!!! for the school. Sincere thanks to all our families for their generosity. All funds raised will be used to further enhance your daughters’ learning environment.

All families who contributed to this fundraising activity were entered into a raffle.

And the winner is….!

Air Fryer: Ellie Rouse

TV: Éabha Whelehan

Very grateful thanks to the parent who kindly donated these prizes to the school.


Hallowe'en Dress Up

Friday 27th October will be the last day of this half term and it will also be Hallowe'en Dress Up Day.


Library Ladies

Thanks to our Library Ladies, the school library is back up and running for 2nd to 6th Classes.


2nd Class


3rd Class


4th Class


5th Class


6th Class

6th Class: Creative Writing Workshop

On Tuesday, as part of the National Children’s Book Festival 2023, the girls in 6th class visited Deansgrange Library for a writing workshop with author Sarah Webb .

The girls heard all about Sarah’s journey to becoming an award-winning author. They have been inspired to continue reading a range of genres and develop their own creative writing skills.

They are looking forward to putting their creative writing skills into practice over the next few weeks as we embark on Narrative Writing in school!

The National Children’s Book Festival is running throughout October in all libraries. It aims to encourage children to enjoy the experience of reading and provide activities and events in collaboration with writers, illustrators and storytellers.

We encourage all our girls to check out their local library during the month of October – there are lots of wonderful events taking place!

World Dyslexia Day

World Dyslexia Day is observed on October 8 each year. What many of us take for granted, such as reading and writing fluently, is an area of struggle for those who have dyslexia. Dyslexia is a common learning disorder that affects a person's ability to read and write properly.

Many famous people may have had dyslexia, including Leonardo da Vinci, Saint Teresa, Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Carl Jung, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison.

World Dyslexia Day raises awareness about these issues and what can be done to manage such a disorder.


Opening of the School Year Mass

The Opening of the School Year Mass took place in the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Foxrock on Thursday 28th September. Girls and boys from 2nd to 6th Class attended and children from both schools sang in the choir. Thank you to Fr Gerry and the Parish Team for facilitating this important school tradition.

Dates for Sacraments 2023-24: 2nd & 6th Class

Please see below dates for Sacraments/Ceremonies during this school year.




Staff in Attendance

First Confession

Saturday 10th February 12pm

2nd Class


Ceremony of Light

Wednesday 21st February 7:30pm

6th Class


Ceremony of Light

Wednesday 28th February 7:30pm

6th Class


First Confession

Saturday 9th March 12pm

2nd Class


First Holy Communion

Saturday 20th April 2pm

​2nd Class


First Holy Communion

Sunday 21st April 10am

2nd Class


First Holy Communion

Saturday 27th April 2pm

​2nd Class


First Holy Communion

Sunday 28th April 10am

2nd Class


First Holy Communion

Sunday 5th May 10am

​2nd Class



Friday 17th May 12pm

6th Class



Friday 24th May 12pm

6th Class


Parents may choose to attend the relevant ceremonies on which ever date best suits their families.

Registration for Sacraments

Registration Opens: Wednesday 1st November

Registration Closes: Wednesday 29th November

Foxrock Parish Family Mass Group

Foxrock Parish Family Mass Group (FMG) 2023/24 is back, following the Summer break. Choir practice is on Thursday evenings in Tír na nÓg room, Parish Centre, 7-7:45pm for 10am Mass on Sunday.

We will also encourage children to take part in Prayers of the Faithful and/or acting out the Gospel reading (but only if they would like to participate), which is great for their confidence in public speaking.

Come along to the Parish Centre any Thursday evening to try it out without any commitment or contact for further information.

Foxrock Parish Pet Blessing

Foxrock Church are having a Pet Blessing on Sunday 8th October @ 2pm in the grounds of the church and the Parish Pastoral Council would like to invite the girls and their families to join them with their pets on the day.


Cumann na mBunscol League Update!

Our girls have their final match of the group stages tomorrow. We will be travelling to St. Enda's Park to play against Divine Word, Rathfarnham. We wish our girls the very best of luck!


Goal Jersey Day: Friday 13th October

Wear a sports jersey of your choice to school on Friday 13th October and contribute to GOAL via our bucket collection.