Frasaí na Seachtaine #14
"Seo chugainn Daidí na Nollag"
See below to listen to the girls from Ms Sweeney's Senior Infants
showing us how to pronounce our Frásaí na Seachtaine!
Labhair Gaeilge linn – sa bhaile agus ar scoil!
School Calendar 2023/2024
The 2023/2024 calendar is available here.
The final day of this school term is Friday 22nd December. This will be a non-uniform day.
Finishing times on Friday 22nd December:
Junior & Senior Infants & Older Siblings | 11:30am |
1st & 2nd Class & Older Siblings | 11:45am |
3rd - 6th Class | 12:00pm |
School will re-open on Monday 8th January 2024.
An Important Message from the HSE

Lost Property
Many coats, tracksuit tops and school jumpers are being mislaid each day!
Please check your daughters' uniforms this weekend, to ensure that they have their name and class on each item. Many of the items being found have no names, or names from children who are no longer in the school. Don’t forget to label their jackets and raincoats!
'Cá bhfuil mo chóta, cá bhfuil mo hata?'
Dental Hygiene
Children are asked to complete the Dental Sponsorship Forms and return them to their class teacher tomorrow Thursday 14th December.

For every form returned, South Beach Clinic will donate €5 to the school. This means that if every form is returned to our school, South Beach Clinic would donate €2545 to our school. This would enable us to buy new floor mats for gymnastics and Magna Boards for Special Education.
Student Council 2023 -2024
The new members of our Student Council are:
Lucy Redmond
Charlotte Hyland
Katie Kearney
Sarah Heeney
Charlotte MacManus
Amy Gillen
Rachel Anne Irwin
Michaela Kavanagh
Maya Baviera
Alia Baviera
Aoife Holland
Holly Spillane
Hannah Kearney
Thank You to Our 6th Class Leaders
By way of saying thank you to our 6th Leaders for their contribution to our school, I was delighted to welcome the members of our STEM Team to my office for Morning Tea with the Principal last week. With Ms Lamont & Ms Shannon we chatted about what worked during our recent STEM Week and what we would change or do better next year. We also chatted about transitioning to secondary school and enjoying the girls' final year in Hollypark.

Christmas Performances
We had our first Christmas Performance this morning. Our brand new Junior Infants blew us away with their wonderful production of 'Ralph the Reindeer'.
There are definitely some future Saoirse Ronans in our midst!
We are very much looking forward to seeing our Senior Infants and 1st Classes performing next week.
Senior Infants | Tuesday 19th December @ 9:30am |
1st Class | Wednesday 20th December @ 9:30am |
All performances will take place in the school hall. Please note that due to the capacity of our hall, spaces are limited and reserved for two adults only.
Well done to our A + B hockey teams who played their first league match against St. Patrick's GNS, Bray on Monday. Despite the cold and dark weather, both teams won their matches. Their next league match will take place after the Christmas break.
Hollypark Abú!
Published Artists!
Artwork by several of our girls is showcased in the Core Credit Union 2024 Calendar.
See below:
January: Éabha Chatharoo 1st Class
February: Ciara Flanagan 1st Class
March: Alanna O'Sullivan 2nd Class
April: Rhea Close 1st Class
May: Lily Conlon 1st Class
June: Jessica Lynn 1st Class
August: Caitlin Collins 6th Class
December: Sadie Bowen 3rd Class
St Vincent de Paul
As Christmas is fast approaching, we are more conscious than ever that this can be a particularly difficult time for families. We are delighted to once again support our local St Vincent de Paul and thereby support our local families.
An Aladdin payment link has issued if you would like to donate to this very worthy cause. To date our generous families have donated €2444.00 via Aladdin.
To highlight our support of this venture girls are asked to wear Christmas Jumpers to school on Thursday 21st December..... and you never know who might be dropping in....
And don't forget - as above - Friday 22nd December is the last of term
and is a non-uniform day!
Southside Sports After School Activities
Bookings for Southside Sports After School Activities for next term are now open at
Respect for Our Neighbours
As a Green School we actively encourage our girls to walk, cycle and scoot to school. As 80% of our pupils live within 2km of the school, this is very doable for many.
Walking, cycling and scooting not only provide a wonderful opportunity for chats with friends, improving our physical and mental health and caring for our environment, but these methods also help to reduce traffic, making the area around our school a safer place not just for our pupils but for all our neighbours. Unfortunately, but quite justifiably, our neighbours frequently complain of inconsiderate parking on the roads close to our school.

Please use the Church car park if it’s on your route to school: parking at the Church is free to all families at drop off and collection times.
Birthdays this Week in Hollypark!
Chloe Flattery
Emily Reynolds
Fainche Ryan
Sienna O'Reilly
Fiadh Ryan