Acceptable Use Policy
Version 3.0 September 2023
St Patrick’s GNS, Hollypark
RN: 19259W
Ratified: October 2020
Under Review: November 2023
Signed: Arthur Hutchinson, Chairperson BOM
At the time of drawing up this policy, all details and the enclosed information are correct. It is possible that between now and the review date, changes may have to be made to the provisions, policies and procedures of the school. This may be due to external changes required by the Department of Education , the school patron or other agencies. Mandatory policies will be available on the school website and up to date information will be posted regularly.
Author: DLF Team
General Approach
Content Filtering
Web Browsing and Downloading
Email and Messaging/ Use of Microsoft Teams or Seesaw Accounts
Social Media/ Class-based Whatsapp Groups.
Smart Phone and Related Devices Policy
Images & Video
9. Cyberbullying
10.School Website
Mobile Phone Request Form
Digital Citizenship Agreement
This policy is a working document and aims to ensure the safety of all internet users associated with St. Patrick’s GNS Hollypark.
The move to a reliance on technology in order to deliver a curriculum at primary level has been unprecedented. This document aims to address all potential matters arising, cognisant that more issues may become apparent. It is acknowledged that online/ blended learning is a valuable pathway to learning. As is the case in class, the guidelines set out in the school’s Code of Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy will underpin all online interactions between members of the school community.
The aim of this Internet Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to ensure that pupils will benefit from the learning opportunities offered by the school’s internet resources in a safe and effective manner. This policy aims to support the work set out in St. Patrick’s GNS Hollypark Digital Learning Plan. Both the Acceptable Use Policy and the Digital Learning Plan are framed within the parameters of the Digital Learning Framework (DE 2019). This AUP encompasses the school’s Smart Phone and Related Devices Policy and frequently references the school’s Code of Behaviour, Anti-Bullying, Child Safeguarding policies and the Data Protection Privacy Statement for Parents, Guardians and Pupils.
The directives outlined in this policy relate to online engagement which takes place both in school and at home on the school's online learning platforms e.g. Microsoft Teams and Seesaw.
Internet use and access is considered a school resource and privilege. If the school’s AUP is not adhered to, this privilege may be withdrawn and appropriate sanctions will be imposed.
When using the internet pupils, parents and staff are expected:
To treat others with respect at all times.
Not undertake any actions that may bring the school into disrepute.
Respect the right to privacy of all other members of the school community.
Respect copyright and acknowledge creators when using online content and resources.
General Approach
This Acceptable Use Policy applies to pupils who have access to and are users of the internet in St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark. It applies to pupils as they engage with the online learning platforms that are used by the school both in the school and in the context of blended learning in the home environment.
It also applies to members of staff, volunteers, parents/guardians and others who access the internet in St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark and in the wider context of blended learning.
In the case where the Internet is misused please refer to the school's Code of Behaviour, Anti-Bullying, and Child Safeguarding Policies for guidance.
St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark will deal with incidents that take place outside the school that impact on the wellbeing of pupils or staff under this policy and associated Code of Behaviour, Child Safeguarding and Anti-Bullying policies. In such cases St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark will, where known, inform parents/guardians of incidents of inappropriate online behaviour that take place out of school.
St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark implements the following strategies in promoting safer use of the internet:
Pupils from Infants to 6th class are provided with age-appropriate education in the area of internet safety as part of our implementation of the SPHE curriculum.
Internet safety advice and support opportunities are provided to pupils in St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark on an ongoing basis.
Staff will be provided with continuing professional development opportunities in the area of internet safety.
St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark participates in Safer Internet Day activities to promote safer more effective use of the internet.
This policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually by the following stakeholders:
Board of Management
Representatives from the staff.
This policy has been developed by a working group including: Principal, Deputy Principal, teachers, pupils, parents/guardians, representatives of the Board of Management and representatives from GDK, the school’s digital support company.
The school will monitor the impact of the policy using:
Logs of reported incidents - in a secure online document.
Surveys and/or questionnaires of pupils, parents, and teaching staff.
The school is not responsible for monitoring home devices that access school assignments or a live class. That is the responsibility of the students’ parents.
Should serious online safety incidents take place, Bernadette Gunning, Principal & Designated Liaison Person, should be informed.
The implementation of this Internet Acceptable Use policy will be monitored by Bernadette Gunning.
Prolonged School Closure
In the event of a prolonged school closure parents/guardians, pupils and teachers must read the attached GUIDELINES FOR REMOTE LEARNING and agree to same. (See Appendix)
Content Filtering
St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark Internet Content Filtering is included as part of the security suite on the Cisco router supplied by the DES. This is managed directly by the PDST whose responsibility it is to report any inappropriate access to the school. The PDST are rigorous in their approach to internet content filtering and they adopt very restrictive policies to ensure there is no internet access to Categories such as Adult, Gambling, Shopping, chat, Social media etc. All school devices are routed through the DES internet connection.
Pupils taking steps to by-pass the content filter by using proxy sites or other means may be subject to disciplinary action. (Refer to the School’s Code of Behaviour)
Web Browsing and Downloading
Pupils will not intentionally visit internet sites that contain obscene, illegal, hateful or otherwise objectionable materials.
Pupils will report accidental accessing of inappropriate materials in school to the class-teacher and subsequently Bernadette Gunning, Principal & DLP.
Pupils and staff will not copy information from the internet without acknowledging the creator and referencing the source of the content.
Pupils and staff will be aware that any usage, including distributing or receiving information, school-related or personal, may be monitored for unusual activity, security and/or network management reasons.
Pupils will not engage in online activities such as uploading or downloading large files that result in heavy network traffic which impairs the service for other internet users.
Use of file sharing and torrent sites is allowed with staff permission.
Downloading by pupils of materials or images not relevant to their studies is not allowed.
Email and Messaging- Seesaw and Microsoft Teams accounts
Pupils/ Staff should not under any circumstances share their own or anyone else’s email/ Seesaw or Microsoft Teams account login details with others.
Pupils/ Staff should not use school email/ Teams accounts to register for online services such as social networking services, apps, and games.
Pupils/ Staff will not send any material that is illegal, obscene, and defamatory or that is intended to annoy or intimidate another person.
Pupils should immediately report the receipt of any communication that makes them feel uncomfortable, is offensive, discriminatory, threatening or bullying in nature and must not respond to any such communication.
Pupils/ Staff should avoid opening emails that appear suspicious. If in doubt, pupils should ask their teacher before opening emails from unknown senders.
Live Lessons
Pupils should follow the rules as set out in the School’s Digital Citizenship Agreement; the basic tenant being respect for all.
GDK have put the following security settings in place on Microsoft Teams accounts.
Chat function Disabled for all students.
Meetings Students cannot schedule meetings with anyone else.
Apps Students cannot add additional Apps to their Teams profile.
Email Students cannot send mail to any of the Groups.
Social Media and Class-based Whatsapp groups/ email groups
As no child under the age of 16 should have access to a social media account the following statements apply to the use of messaging, blogging and video streaming services in St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark:
Use of video streaming sites such as YouTube and Vimeo etc. for educational purposes is allowed with express permission from and supervision by teaching staff.
Staff, parents/guardians and pupils must not use social media and the internet, including class-based whatsapp groups or emails, in any way to harass, insult, abuse or defame pupils, their family members, staff and other members of the St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark community.
Staff, parents/guardians and pupils must not discuss personal information about pupils, staff and other members of the St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark community on social media.
Staff and pupils must not use school email addresses for setting up personal social media accounts or to communicate through such media.
Staff, parents/guardians and pupils must not engage in activities involving social media which might bring St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark into disrepute.
Staff, parents/guardians and pupils must not represent personal views as those of being St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark on any social medium.
Smart Phone and Related Devices Policy
Introduction and Rationale
The possession and use of smart phones and related devices by school students is now extensive, even in the primary school sector. Use of smart phones and related devices in school can present a number of challenges:
Smart Phones and related devices can cause discipline problems, can be used to bully, menace, harass or offend another person and can be a distraction to learning. There are also serious privacy concerns with regard to the taking and use of images, video and aural recordings
This Smart Phone and Related Devices Policy is drawn up in the interest of all children’s safety and protection. Mindful of the risks associated with easy access to the internet, the school does not permit the use of smart phones and related devices, by our pupils on the school premises. Furthermore, resolving issues arising from the use and misuse of smart phones and related devices erodes valuable curriculum teaching time.
Relationship to Our School Ethos
The use of smart phones and related devices by pupils during the school day contravenes the provision of a safe and secure school environment and is not conducive to learning – a provision which is central to the mission statement and ethos of St. Patrick’s GNS, Hollypark.
For this reason, pupils are not permitted to bring Smart Phones and Related Devices within the school grounds of St Patrick’s GNS, Hollypark.
Exceptional Circumstances
Notwithstanding the above, it is understood that there may be exceptional circumstances where a parent/guardian requires their 5th or 6th Class daughter to bring a phone to school.
In this instance:
The parent/guardian must complete and sign a school Phone Request Form (see Appendix A), stating the reasons why it is absolutely necessary to bring a phone to school.
Each request will be considered by the Principal on an individual basis.
If permission is granted the form will be signed by the Principal and returned to the parent/guardian. The parent/guardian should retain this signed copy of the form. A copy of this form will be retained by the Principal and Class Teacher.
Permission is conditional on the following:
The phone must be switched off upon entering the school premises.
On entering the classroom, the pupil will place their phone in storage, under the supervision of a staff member.
The phone will be returned to the pupil at the end of the school day.
Pupils may not switch on the phone until outside the school gates.
The school will accept no responsibility for damage or loss of pupil mobile phones on the premises.
Pupils will not be permitted to bring other devices with internet access or recording or photographic capability such as, but not limited to, smart watches, i-Pads, tablets etc within the school grounds of St. Patrick’s GNS, Hollypark.
If a phone, smart phone or other related device is used within the school grounds it will be confiscated.
Parents/guardians will be asked to collect the confiscated phone, smart phone or other related device from the office.
In second and subsequent breaches of the policy further sanctions may be applied at the discretion of the Principal.
In the event of inappropriate use of any device – for example photos or videos being taken or uploaded etc the following sanctions will apply:
The phone, smart phone or other related device will be confiscated immediately.
The parents/guardians will be asked to meet the Principal.
The Principal will use his/her discretion to consult with outside agencies and the Board of Management on the matter.
It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use a phone, smart phone or other related device to menace, harass or offend another person. As such the school may consider it appropriate to inform the Gardaí.
The above use of phones, smart phones or other related devices applies to all school outings offsite.
Phone Use by Staff
Professional Calls
All telephone calls to parents/guardians should be kept as short as possible, having ascertained that the parent/guardian is in a position to engage.
Where a lengthy conversation is required, arrangements may be made for a meeting or for a longer telephone conversation at a mutually acceptable time.
Calls to other professionals, organisations etc. should be made in consultation with the Principal.
Personal Calls
In general, personal calls should be carried out during break times or after school.
In cases of urgency, a staff member should use discretion in making call.
Incoming personal calls should be reserved for urgent matters.
Mobile Phones
In general, mobile phones should remain switched off or on silent or discreet mode.
In cases of urgency, staff should use discretion in making and receiving calls.
In certain circumstances, staff members are required to have their mobile phones switched on – when on out-of-classroom activities/events, if concerned about a child’s welfare etc.
Texting should follow the rules in relation to calls.
It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone, smart or other related device to menace, harass or offend another person. As such the school may consider it appropriate to inform the Gardaí.
Images & Video
Written permission from parents/guardians will be obtained before photographs of pupils are taken and published.
Care should be taken when taking photographic or video images in school that pupils are appropriately dressed and are not participating in activities that might bring the individuals or the school into disrepute.
Pupils, when engaging in blended learning on the school’s online platform, are not permitted to post images which feature their faces.
Taking photos or videos on school grounds or when participating in school activities is only allowed with express permission from staff.
Pupils must not share images, videos or other content online with the intention to harm another member of the school community regardless of whether this happens in school or outside.
Sharing explicit images and in particular explicit images of pupils and/or minors is an unacceptable and absolutely prohibited behaviour, with serious consequences and sanctions for those involved.
When using the internet pupils, parents/guardians and staff are expected to treat others with respect at all times.
Engaging in online activities with the intention to harm, harass, or embarrass and another pupil or member of staff is an unacceptable and absolutely prohibited behaviour, with serious consequences and sanctions for those involved. (Ref: Anti-Bullying and Child Safeguarding policies).
Measures are taken by St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark to ensure that staff and pupils are aware that bullying is defined as unwanted negative behaviour, verbal, psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against another person (or persons). This definition includes cyber-bullying even when it happens outside the school context. The prevention of cyber bullying is an integral part of the anti-bullying policy of the school.
School Website –
The school’s website will be regulated by Bernadette Gunning and all information/ work to be uploaded on the website must first be approved by Bernadette Gunning.
Webpages linked to or recommended by will be pre-moderated and checked frequently to ensure that they do not contain any inappropriate or offensive content.
The publication of student work will be coordinated by a teacher.
St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark will use only digital photographs, audio or video clips on the school website with parental permission.
Personal student information including home address and contact details will not be published on St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark web pages.
The St. Patrick's GNS Hollypark will avoid publishing the first name and last name of pupils in video or photograph captions published online.
(Ref: Data Protection Privacy Statement for Parents, Guardians and Pupils)
It is the responsibility of parents, staff and children to adhere to this policy.
This policy is monitored on an ongoing basis and amendments are added as new technology comes on stream or as necessary.
Appendix A
St Patrick’s GNS, Hollypark RN: 19259W
Phone Request Form
Name of Pupil: ......................................................
Class: ...................... Class Teacher: .........................................................
I request that my daughter be granted exceptional permission to bring a mobile phone to school.
If exceptional permission is granted I understand that:
the phone must be switched off upon entering the school premises.
on entering the classroom my daughter will place the phone in storage, under the supervision of a staff member.
the phone will be returned to my daughter at the end of the school day.
my daughter may not switch on her phone again until she is outside the school gates.
if the phone is accessed during school time or within the school grounds it will be confiscated.
in the case of my daughter’s phone being confiscated I will need to collect the phone from the school office in person.
the school will accept no responsibility for damage to or loss of pupil phones on the premises.
Please state the reason why it is absolutely necessary for your daughter to bring a phone to school:
Please specify period of time (maximum one academic year):
Signature Parent 1: .......................................... Date: ........................
Signature Parent 2: .......................................... Date: ........................
Pupil Signature: ................................................ Date: ........................
Name of Pupil: .................................................. Class Teacher: ..............................................
is granted exceptional permission to bring a phone to school for the specific period and reasons cited above.
Principal’s Signature: ........................................ Date: .........................
Official School Stamp:
A copy of this form will be retained in the school.
Parents should retain the returned copy of the form when signed by the Principal.
Appendix B
Guidelines for Remote Learning: Digital Citizenship Agreement
St Patrick’s GNS, Hollypark
Digital Citizenship is the practice of using the Internet and technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.
To help us all and achieve optimum benefit we ask that the following etiquette be adhered to:
Be respectful: Teachers and pupils are real people who are affected by words you say.
Be dressed in a manner appropriate for a classroom.
Be aware of your surroundings: Pick a room that is not a bedroom. Be mindful of noise from other people or pets.
Mute your microphone - only turn it on when you are speaking and listen to others.
Leave the keyboard alone – the sound of your typing is distracting!
Only chat with the teacher. Messaging with other students at any time other than a time designated by the teacher for discussion is not acceptable.
Be on time! Class starts at the scheduled meeting time. Allow yourself a couple of minutes before your lesson to set up your work space, materials, audio/ video etc.
Be respectful of the learning process. Remember we all must try to make the most of the time we have with each other online.
Remain seated at your work station for the entirety of the session with your teacher.
No food allowed – we don’t want you dropping crumbs all over your keyboard
Be patient – this is new to a lot of people and it may take time to learn!
Signature of pupil: ....................................................
Signature of parent/guardian: ...............................................
Date: ..................................