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Our Pathway to Sunnier Days! June 2021

We are delighted to present to you our Pathway to Sunnier Days. The girls, led by the Green School Committee, have been working on this whole-school art/ environment project since we returned to school after Easter. It includes a footprint template from every child in the school. The footprints represent our efforts to walk to school every day and our school’s commitment to the environment. In completing the templates, we asked each girl to draw the thing they were most looking forward to this summer after the challenging year that we have all had.

We have spent this year planting seeds of hope, looking to the future and planning for brighter and sunnier days. The Pathway is brimming with plans, with excitement and hope. Our girls are fantastic they have risen to the challenges presented to them throughout the year and thrived.

We wish all of you a happy and safe summer.

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